SRNA index: hit and run
Educational campaign for Generali Česká pojišťovna
Czech PR Award Lemur
Did a black cat cross your path? You'll be out of luck. Did a deer cross your road and you were unharmed? You're lucky from hell! The number of collisions between vehicles and wild animals on Czech roads is on the rise. Generali Česká pojišt'ovna has decided to change that. Based on data from the Traffic Research Centre, it has started to publish the SRNA index. It maps the most frequent places of collisions with wild animals and compares the risk of collision between regions and districts. The index also advises motorists on how to avoid unnecessary damage to their cars and their health.

Zdenka Učňová
Senior Account Director

Olga Pásková
Key Account Manager

Jan Čambora
Account Manager
We had to create a communication index processed by the Transport Research Centre and the Generali insurance company. The index, based on data from the Police of the Czech Republic, maps collisions with wildlife twice a year and the amount of damage caused. The aim was to profile the insurance company as an expert in car insurance and supplementary insurance, to educate drivers and to help reduce the number of accidents. The target group was all drivers in the country.
e decided to give life to the numbers and put them in context. To present them in an understandable but complex way. And to teach drivers how to behave in crisis situations. We called the index SRNA.
It was to bring interesting data to national and regional media. We therefore worked out the number of accidents, their frequency and the amount of damage at district, regional and national level. We have also added advice on how to prevent these accidents and what to do when a game collision occurs.
The presentation of the index included not only the number of accidents, but also comparisons and figures in an easy-to-imagine form. For example, from the data on the number of accidents we created a message that on average on every fifth kilometre of Czech roads drivers are at risk of colliding with wild animals. We communicated the amount of damage by using real examples of the damage a collision with a deer or wild boar causes to specific types of vehicles.
We communicated everything so that every driver could imagine it. We planned our activities for spring and autumn, when collisions with wildlife are most frequent.

Thanks to the project, the Generali insurance company has adopted the theme of conflict with wildlife. The first edition of the index received over 70 media outlets, e.g.:
Czech Television, Blesk, AHA!, Metro, 5plus2, Aktuálně.cz, MF Dnes, regional mutation of Deník, regional broadcast of Czech Radio, Autonoviny, Autoweek, Autobible, Svět motorů, AutoTIP, Auto Expert
The SRNA index was a success in the media. That's why we published its sixth edition in spring 2022!
media outputs
prestigious prize
We held a workshop where we presented the index in detail to key journalists. In addition to the CDV expert, the speakers included impartial experts, such as a representative of hunters or a game expert.
We then distributed a press release with an infographic to the media. We targeted motoring, national and regional media. We provided tailored data to each media outlet, and we also prepared regionally adapted graphics for local titles.

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SRNA index: hit and run
Educational campaign for Generali Česká pojišťovna
Did a black cat cross your path? You’ll be out of luck. Did a deer cross your road and you were unharmed? You’re lucky from hell!
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